Friday 6 February 2009

Celebrity cull bill passed

The new president elect Barack Obama has recently passed the two-hundreth and seventy third amendment outlawing all celebrities. The details of the bill have been kept under wraps for the weeks after his Inauguration and have recently become public after a landslide vote in favour of the change.

The Amendment, or Reason 273 as it is affectionatly known, Allows the unrestricted cull of all celebrities in the United States and associated areas. A spokesperson from the whitehouse issued the following statement:

"The 273 allows any American citizen to eliminate any and all celebrities deemed not to be contributing to society in any meeningfull way and receive a tax-exempt status for a period based upon the celebrity, President Obama has felt strongly about this issue since first witnessing Paris Hilton, I mean, Seriously, What is she actually famous for? Stupid dogs? Please.."

Opposing party members are advising that the 273 could bankrupt the already financially unstable America, These reports have been met with sarcastic responses and mooning from the those within the whitehouse.

Upon hearing the news Gordon 'Sorry I fucked up the economy' Brown decided that he may be considering introducing a similar scheme in the UK, Inccluding anyone whom has ever appeared or applied for Big Brother, Hoodies and the elderly.

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